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XII is a virtually based community that uses art, pop culture, and urban environments to promote faith, and share the love of Jesus, authentically, in XII (12) minutes a week!

The XII concept was birthed by a band of creative misfits who love God and strive to follow Jesus, who recognize the power of the virtual space and its ability to reach those that don't know Christ. These misfits believe it's time to radically alter what "church" looks like in a way that sparks revival in young, spiritually forgotten generations, meeting young people where they spend the most time - on their phones!


The internet is not bound by location and XII isn’t either! By harnessing the power of the internet, young people are able to join in faith community outside church walls - but if they want to join an in person body of believers, we have a network of ministries in the 12 largest cities in the United States that are ready and willing to be a safe and challenging space for relationships to be built in person. Those faith communities are represented through the preaching team you will see on XII, and their ministries are linked to XII’s main website.



**Each faith body represented in the preaching network of XII are their own entities and are not officially partnered with XII, denominationally. Our core theological pillars are the same, but there are differences in some theological views. We are working together to tear down territoriality in the body of Christ, focusing on core Gospel tenants, by working together and celebrating each other. That means that while we do not agree on everything, we agree that Jesus is the only way. His love for people and our love for one another is how we are supposed to me known.



'Community' is no longer determined by the people living down the street from you. Your community should be made up of the people that do life with you - near, or far, in person, or virtually. In this digital age we need to build support systems that aren't determined by a zip code, that's why XII is working to build a network of Jesus followers in the XII (12) largest cities in the US.  


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